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740-298-2260 to start getting fit!
The health of our Source Fitness members is our TOP priority. Therefore, we will be operating under temporary guidelines per Governor Dewine, to re-open and to keep everyone safe!
Gym Protocol
All safety guidelines will be made available upon entrance & throughout the gym
Live and video monitoring of club will be implemented to ensure protocols are being followed.
Staff will:
Understand quarantine behaviors;
Be strongly encouraged to wear masks and gloves at all times
Know club capacity restrictions and how to monitor
No employees will share offices or be in enclosed spaces within 6 feet of each other
A strict stay at home policy for any employees exhibiting symptoms will be implemented
Social Distancing
Strict adherence to CDC distancing guidelines, maintaining 6 feet of distance in all gym activities
Gym capacity limited to a certain number of people
No contact training and no equipment sharing training sessions
Social distancing signage
Enhanced Cleaning & Sanitation Protocols
Medical-grade cleaning products and hand sanitizers available throughout facility
Require hand washing before and after workout
Increase disinfectant stations with hand sanitizer available throughout the facility
Pre-use and post-use wipe down protocol on all equipment, including office equipment
Detailed in-depth and frequent cleaning checklist:
Common areas and high touch surfaces will be cleaned thoroughly a minimum of every 2 hours
Bathrooms cleaned every 2 hours
Water fountains will not be available
No equipment sharing will be allowed
Showers as well as tanning beds will not be available